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Special promotion

24 mars 2013

Save on travel with online deals and learn how to get free wireless internet

You should absolutely avoid trying to get flight and  hotel room at the last minute, because you'll almost always pay a higher price. Some people believe that booking 2 weeks prior to trip is sufficient. Instead get everything 1 - 4 months in advance to for the best rate. is a great service for rock bottom deals on air line tickets, hotels, and car rental. There is usually a coupon for in the Entertainment Book.

Plan your meals ahead of time

Many people just decide where to eat on impulse "we'll just see what looks good" but that is a sure fire way to overspend. You can save quite a bit of money when you simply plot out your dining choices in advance.

If you are going on a road trip, decide where you are going to eat before you step into the car. Bring along your coupon organizer with coupons for each place you are going to eat.  Be sure to order an Entertainment Book for the city you are visiting. The Entrainment Book will have all the discounts you'll need when you want to dine out.
How to get free wireless internet

Many hotels will make you pay an extra $7 - $25 per night to have wireless internet in your room. It's just another stream of fee based profits for the hotel. Unfortunately allot of patrons swallow the fee. But, you  can keep that money in your pocket by using FREE public wireless hot spots. There are usually dozens of them near hotels in every major city. Some of the common location include Barnes & noble, Panera Bread, college campuses, and public libraries. You can download a free hot spot locator app at

Might consider: for best online deals.

Enjoy FREE Attractions and Activities

There are plenty of fun and free activities to do in most travel destinations.  You can visit the best museums and attractions on earth without a paying a dime. The leading free spots include the Smithsonian museums in Washington, D.C., the Getty Center in Los Angeles, CA and Lincoln Park Zoo and Millenum Park of Chicago,IL. Others such as the Indianapolis Children s Museum (arguably world's best) and Museum of Modern Art of New York will let you visit free of charge on certain days. Also, several colleges host free free outdoor concerts, exhibits, and movie showings   open to the general public. Many restaurants and small shops frequently offer generous free samples to tourist.

Be sure to visit the Convention and Vistors Bureau website for the city you plan to visit. They have plenty of coupons and discounts for popular points in town.

How to save on Parking
It's no big secret that parking can be expensive and a pain in the “you know what”. But, the best the thing to do is compare rates and parking spots online before you venture into the city. You can do just that at and

Also, try to offer the parking attendant a lesser amount in cash. If the lot has some empty spaces and the signs says $35, flash the attendant $25 in cash. They might accept your offer because business is slow and they prefer cash over credit cards.
How to get a FREE vacation

If you are up for a little out door adventure, you might want to look into the USDA Forest Service - Passport in Time Program. It's provides free tours of historical US forest sites and free lodging with full-service kitchen, showers and flush toilets, and meals for very little or no cost. For more details visit:

How to save on a car!

Get the most out of the car you have right now

If you own a high mileage vehicle that gets you from point a to b then don't rush into buying a new vehicle. You may have to spend money on normal maintenance, but you will still come out ahead by not having a car note to pay every month.

But, when you are ready for new wheels, shop online for a car. You will avoid the sales pressure filled atmosphere of a dealer showroom by shopping at home on your computer for a vehicle.

Potential Yearly Savings: $1,100.00 - $6,500.00+

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